The following content is direct feed from the faculty data resposatory.
- Possibilities of Applying the Blended Learning Approach in the Faculty of Information Technology
- The Impact of Determinants of the Success and Failure of the Application of Information Systems in Libyan Petroleum Companies
- Issues and Challenges of Implementing E-learning in A Public University: Students’and Instructors’ Perspective
- Software Risk Management Techniques
- Techniques Management Big data Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark and which is better In structuring and processing data
- Semantic Enrichment: The First Phase of Relational Database Migration
- Re-engineering Relational Databases: The Way Forward
- Translating Relational Database Schemas into Object-based Schemas: University Case Study
- Towards the Maturity of Object-Relational Database Technology: Promises and Reality
- Towards the Maturity of Object-Relational Database Technology: Promises and Reality
To view all publications, please consider navigating the data repository of the faculty.